Annual Peacebuilding Training

MPI conducts a three-week training annually. The training consists of foundation and thematic classroom-based courses, and field-based courses where MPI participants interact with communities in Mindanao engaged in peacebuilding initiatives.
Virtual Peacebuilding Training

The Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute's Virtual Peacebuilding Training Program is envisioned to complement the Annual Peacebuilding Training Program and extend MPI’s role as a resource to peacebuilders through digital technologies. A virtual learning platform will enable MPI to widen its reach and deepen its impact towards empowering individuals and communities to continue building just and peaceful communities in Asia-Pacific and beyond.
Resource-Based Conflict and Peacebuilding Training Program

MPI initiated the Resource-Based Conflict and Peacebuilding Training Program with a specific focus on indigenous people and the mining industry in Mindanao. Under the program, MPI is offered trainings to indigenous leaders from six ancestral domains in Northern and Western Mindanao related to mining, indigenous peoples’ rights, and peacebuilding as a way to enable them to make informed decisions about the development of their ancestral domains. MPI completed this program in 2017. Information is still available here for those who might be interested in how MPI conducted these trainings.
Accompaniment to alumni and their organizations

MPI will provide a mechanism for follow-up and accompaniment to alumni and emerging peace institutes in the region through additional training, technical support, re-entry planning, and lessons learned workshops. MPI will be a mentor to its constituency.
Training tailored to specific sectors and regional contexts

MPI will be pro-active by initiating specialized and customized training courses for strategic actors such as the police, the military, local government officials, and educators in the Philippines and the region. This represents an expansion of its target beneficiaries which have been non-governmental organization (NGO) development workers, civil society members, faith-based organizations and individuals, and others.
Facilitator skill enhancement through training of trainers and internships

MPI will conduct training of trainers for experienced facilitators to enhance their skills and to update them about new and innovative techniques. MPI also will provide opportunities for facilitator-interns that will be paired with seasoned facilitators during the annual training and mentored by them. The facilitator-interns will share responsibility for facilitating the courses under the supervision of their experienced colleagues.
Secretariat and documenter internships

MPI provides internships to potential peacebuilders in the region during the annual training. The interns will be recruited as secretariat staff and members of the documentation teams. They will work under experienced MPI staff to learn how to run a training of this magnitude and the skills required to document the course offerings.