We are pleased to announce that MPI facilitator and Board of Trustees president Myla Leguro and MPI facilitator Wendy Kroeker are included as joint authors of a chapter in the book Confronting Peace: Local Peacebuilding in the Wake of a National Peace Agreement. The book is available for purchase as an ebook or hard-covered book online through SpringerLink.
Most recent works about the efforts of local communities caught up in a civil war have focused on their efforts to maintain security and safety from the violence that surrounds them. This book, in contrast, focuses on how local peacebuilding actors face new challenges and opportunities once a peace agreement has been signed at the national level. How local communities have coped with the demands of “peace” is the theme that runs through each chapter, written by authors with direct experience of grassroots communities struggling with such “problems of peace." (From About this book – https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-67288-1)
Myla and Wendy's chapter is titled "Constant Motion: Multi-dimensional Peacebuilding for Peace Processes." The abstract states:
Focusing on the Philippines context, this chapter examines the Mindanao struggle from local peace processes to the very real realities of living within officially negotiated peace arrangements. After decades of violent conflict, communities emerge divided, and peace processes struggle to re-build social cohesion. Thus, post-conflict peacebuilding holds particular challenges regarding resources and expectations. The presented case study will focus on the Mindanaon emergence of the Christians for Peace Movement (CfPM) as a vehicle for revealing the challenges and potentials of post-conflict peace transitions. CfPM provides a significant foundation for building up the possibilities of sustainable peace if it remains willing to engage in relational efforts requiring a “constant motion” of energies and through commitments toward strengthened and renewed communities. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-67288-1_10