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20th Anniversary Messages

The following messages were submitted by MPI alumni, facilitators, and members of our network.

A message from Bud Caroll

My best wishes, thoughts and prayers for the wider MPI Family, as you move towards the next 20 years. You all do so much - with such limited resources. But, you are so gifted with a spirit of dedication, commitment, care and concern; precious resources that continue to carry you forward.

We live in such a precarious era; but, every age, people and place face issues of injustice, unkindness, greed, abuse, fear and indifference. I thank God that you all strive to help others make a difference; to both equip and enable others to taste something of the joy, blessing and beauty of changed lives.

Just keep on keeping on!

A message from Dr. Nezamuddin Katawazi

I congratulate you on the 20th Anniversary celebration of MPI. I have been following the messages and reports of MPI throughout the years and how it has contributed a good deal towards dealing with issues of conflict resolution and understanding peace with justice. I hope MPI will consider the relations and significance of human rights for ensuring peace everywhere in its future programs and activities. I hope you and your colleagues have more success in your efforts for peace and justice in this world full of anger and violence.

A message from Alfredo Grandeza

Happy 20th Anniversary and kudos to the whole management team for the great achievements!!! Wish you everlasting and never ending advocacy in peacebuilding!!!

My sincerest congratulations to you!!! God bless you with graces abundantly!!!

A message from Shahed Karkout

I would like to say happy 20th anniversary and wish you all the best and a year full of success.

My hope for MPI is that you do many great trainings online or real meetings after the COVID-19 issue.

A message from Marilen Abesamis

Few organizations reach the 20th mark, so my deepest congratulations on the milestone you have reached.

You have been a light in a region that has seen so much strife and heartbreaks.

I hope you continue to be an inspiration in the “new normal” imposed by COVID-19; that you can be as creative and courageous, as persevering and staunch in the search for common ground. Let us use the diversity among cultures as a weapon to expose injustices in our society and the rest of our region.

Padayon! Mabuhay ang MPI!

A message from Mohammad Abdus Sabur on behalf of AMAN-IIPDS

My heartfelt congratulations to all of you on this historic occasion of celebrating the 20th Anniversary of MPI.

MPI has contributed immensely to building the capacity of peace and development workers towards effectively addressing conflict and building peace at local and national levels in Asia.

MPI has also played an important role in linking development and peace workers at the regional level allowing them to share experiences and address national, regional, and global governance issues that negatively impact the people at the grassroots level in all countries.

I pray and wish MPI and staff members well, and I am sure MPI will continue to play an important role in the region. We look forward to further strengthening cooperation between MPI and the Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) – International Institute of Peace and Development Studies (IIPDS).

May God bless the MPI Team!

A message from Salem C. Demuna, MPA, REA

Congratulations! 20 Years of Peacebuilding in Mindanao is worth celebrating for, as we initially achieve our dream of having a lasting peace, we need to continue and be tireless in pursuing it. MPI played a very strategic and significant role in the country by working for mature and responsible peace initiatives in a very complex and problematic society. Go go! We need to continue what has been rightly started, with Allah’s help we will win and end it right.

Salem C. Demuna, MPA, REA
Peace advocate/ Volunteer
Learned Kagan Muslim Foundation, Inc

A message from Sr. Mary John Mananzan, OSB

I congratulate MPI on its 20th anniversary.

I hail its efforts and successes in instilling peace consciousness in so many people as our Holy Father Benedict says in his rule: "seek peace and pursue it."

I think this is what MPI is doing. Continue your good work in developing a culture of peace.

More power to you--

A Message from Joan McGregor